Notice Some Suspicious Signs of Genital Herpes?

The signs of genital herpes may vary from one person to another.

For most people, contracting the herpes virus may bring about feelings of anxiety, nervousness, and even fear.

After all, genital herpes (whether producing mild or severe outbreaks) can cause you to alter not only your lifestyle, but also your daily routine.

Although having genital herpes, may indeed cause you to be in a state of panic or anxiety, there is no need for you to be afraid that it will cause you to stop living your life and enjoying it.

One of the foremost things that you have to know is how to tell if the infection you have is truly genital herpes.

What makes it tricky to tell is that some people who get the infection are asymptomatic, which means that although they have the infection, they do not show any signs or symptoms.

So how do you know if what you (or your partner) have might be herpes?

Below is a list of genital herpes signs that you need to know:

Generalized Signs of Genital Herpes

backache as a sign of genital herpes

Initial signs of genital herpes start off as an itchy or tingling sensation over a patch of skin.

After a few days, this area then becomes red and inflamed. Small, red bumps start to appear and may be filled with pus. Some of them may ooze or bleed and rupture forming ulcers.

Eventually these sores form scabs and the ulcers heal.

Accompanying this episode of herpes sores (outbreak) are generalized signs and symptoms of genital herpes such as:

  1. Decreased Appetite. Decreased appetite is one of the acute phase responses to infection, and because genital herpes is in essential, an infection, a decrease in appetite is expected.
  2. Fever. Fever has long since been indicated as one of the most common signs of an imminent disease. The normal body temperature range is about 36.5 to 37.5 °C.
  3. Malaise. A general feeling of uneasiness, or a general feeling of being out of sorts characterizes malaise; this is a generalized symptom of imminent infections.
  4. Myalgia. Myalgia, more commonly known as muscle pain is also a symptom of a variety of infections, disorders, and diseases. Although muscle pain is typically caused by trauma, viral infections like genital herpes may also cause it. Myalgia in genital herpes mostly occurs during the primary infection. This symptom may or may not occur in recurrent infections.
  5. Headache. Headache is defined as any form of pain felt in the head or neck area. Headache is also one symptom shared by many diseases. In genital herpes, headaches can range from mild to severe, which may sometimes even include migraines.
  6. Swollen Lymph Nodes. Swollen lymph nodes are a common occurrence in any infection. In genital herpes, the involved lymph nodes are those at the top of both legs, and located next to the genital area, which may swell and be tender. In the event that the infection dies down, the swelling will also go down.

Genital herpes signs are different for each person. Some people experience on-and-off outbreaks for years while some people never get to experience outbreaks at all. 

Best is to practice safe sex at all times and consider doubling up your antiviral medication especially when sexually active with a non-herpes positive partner.

This doesn't mean your sex life is over!

Although a few adjustments have to be made, you can still have wonderful genital herpes sex and enjoy oral herpes sex with no problems. 

Specific Signs of Genital Herpes

signs of genital herpes

(signs of genital herpes picture)

In women, signs of genital herpes can erupt in the vaginal area, anus, buttocks, and can reach as far as the thighs. 

In men, these signs of genital herpes can appear on the penis, scrotum, anus, buttocks and can also reach the thighs and back.

Other specific signs of genital herpes include:

  1. Genital Discharge. Genital herpes discharge is more common in female patients than in male patients. Genital discharge can also occur in yeast infections and is usually odorless, clear, watery, or white. On the other hand, a discharge caused by genital herpes is yellowish, turbid, thick, and smelly.
  2. Dysuria. A case of genital herpes infection can sometimes also cause urethral infection. If this happens, dysuria occurs. This is characterized by a sensation of burning that occurs during urination, and can be extremely annoying.
  3. Blisters on Genitals. Blisters occurring in the genital area are the tell tale signs of an active herpes infection or outbreak. Herpes blisters generally turn into sores that will eventually dry out and scab. These blisters are usually small and occur in groups, and usually heal by themselves in 7-14 days. A faster way to heal them is by taking antiviral medication.
  4. Itching or Tingling in the Genital or Anal Region. Itching and/or tingling in the genital or anal region is one of the telltale signs of an imminent herpes outbreak. The location in which the itching or tingling occurs is usually indicative of the location where the blisters will occur.
  5. Backaches. Backache is one of the uncommon signs of herpes and may not occur at all. This is because backaches are usually caused by muscle strain or trauma. Backaches that occur with genital herpes are a result of the herpes virus remaining dormant inside the nerve cells located in the sacral (hip) region.

Since the herpes virus is spread through skin-to-skin contact, a one-time exposure to the virus from a herpes positive partner can be highly contagious, and is all it takes to become infected.

It is recommended to be thorough with your hygiene and avoid touching these sores or signs of genital herpes. Invest in quality herpes medications or try home treatment for herpes as an alternative.

Last Words on Signs of Genital Herpes

If you suspect you (or your partner) might have signs of genital herpes, here is what you can do about it:

  1. See your doctor or healthcare specialist immediately. You need to face your fears and set an appointment with your doctor. The only way to find out for sure is to have a blood test for herpes taken. That way, you can get answers and peace of mind.
  2. Keep your stress levels at a minimum. The herpes virus loves to thrive on a weak immune system caused by stress. Don't give the virus any opportunity to attack by taking a break once in awhile. You'll be glad to find out that your outbreaks will dramatically decrease overtime.
  3. Live healthily. Incorporating a lot of greens, fresh fruit, and nutritious foods in your diet can do wonders for your body. Always make sure to stay hydrated and eat a well balanced diet. 
  4. Stay active. Exercise is good for the body as it builds strength to combat infection. And what better way to rid your body of herpes outbreaks than by sweating out all harmful toxins.
  5. Consider an online pharmacy. Let's face it, herpes medications can get expensive and who has the budget for that in this economically hard times? A great way to save on money is by purchasing from an off-shore pharmacy such as I've been using their service for many years now and definitely recommend them.

The herpes simplex virus is here to stay. But with proper care and management of the infection, you will find that the severity and duration of each outbreak will decrease over time.

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