Herpies Symptoms:
How do You Know if You are Infected?

You might have herpies symptoms when you feel something weird going on with your privates.

Some time after a sexual encounter, there is a possibility that it might be something infectious.

Knowing your symptoms of herpes is important for correct diagnosis and proper action.

The tricky thing with herpes is that infected individuals don't notice anything unusual at first.

They could go on with their (sexual) lives not knowing they already have it.

So if you're experiencing some strange signs and symptoms "down there", then it's high time to know if you've been infected with the herpes virus.

When Will the Symptoms Appear?

It varies from person to person. It could take as little as 2 days to as much as 20 days after skin-to-skin contact.

The first herpies symptoms are usually the worst ones.

However, some 60% of the infected population fail to notice it because their outbreak is mild. 

Does that mean their chance of infecting someone is smaller? No, they can pass the virus to someone else just the same.

What are the Symptoms of Herpes?

Herpies Symptoms

(Photo courtesy of Dr. Herrmann of the CDC)

You may have probably seen some pictures of herpes.

What do they really look like? Genital herpies infections are like little ulcers or small blisters about 1 to 3 mm in size. They group into clusters and affect the genitals.

In men, the lesions are in or around the penis. In women, the sores are in or outside the vagina which causes discomfort and discharge.

Could it be any worse? Well, in some cases, the lesions appear in or around the anus. It also appears around the perinium (the area between the genitals and the anus). It could be very tender and painful.

Herpies Symptoms: First Outbreak

During the first outbreak, you may also feel other symptoms of herpies (aside from the lesions) such as:

  • Discharge from the penis or the vagina
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the groin area
  • Burning sensation in the genitals
  • Painful or difficult urination
  • Lower back pain
  • Muscle ache
  • Headache
  • Fever

Women are more prone to experience complications during their first outbreak. Twenty-five percent (25%) may develop meningitis and 10 to 15% may have difficulty in urination.

Herpies Symptoms: Recurrent Outbreak

More than 80% of those who had their first outbreak will experience recurrent outbreaks. These are frequently less severe and shorter in duration, but hey, it's still uncomfortable.

What's worse is that transmission of the virus is more likely because the lesions break open.

Signs of recurrent outbreak include:

  • Small blisters or sores that form crusts. These may appear between the buttocks, pubis, anus, thighs and legs.
  • Irregularities and breaks in the skin such as rashes, and red bumps or cuts.

More or less, you will know you will experience a recurrence in outbreak. It is often preceded by warning signs (called prodrome) such as pain or tingling sensation in the infected areas.

Although the skin may seem normal at this stage, the condition is highly contagious.

What Should You Do Next?

Well, if you notice these herpies symptoms and signs then you definitely need to go take some action steps.

1. Go get tested for herpies. My page herpies testing has some good explanation of your testing options. The sooner you get tested, the better. It will calm your mind.

2. Consider using some treatments or medications. If you test positive for the herpies virus then you should consider going on herpes medications.

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