How Do You Get Past the Pain?

by Angie

I've just recently found out that I have hsv2.... I've tried to deal with the pain... But its gotten extremely worse... I can't pee without screaming.... How do you overcome the pain to pee?


Dear Angie,

I’m sorry to hear about the pain. It can get really troublesome especially with the first few outbreaks.

But hang in there. There is good news.

Here are some simple home remedies that can help relieve dysuria (painful urination):

  • Shallow warm baths with Epsom salts seem to do the trick of lessening the sting of urination. Aside from the soothing feeling, Epsom salts dry the sores out so healing is much faster.

  • One technique that can be really helpful is to apply warm tea bags over the sores. This instantly helps with the itching and pain.

  • Another useful method is to apply Aloe vera gel. The natural calming qualities of this humble indoor plant promote healing and therefore, pee will sting a little less when it’s passing out.

  • Placing a simple ice pack over the sores can also help minimize the pain of urinating.

  • Lastly, I know it may seem like the last thing you want to do is pee but drink lots of water! Water can actually help dilute urine so there is less discomfort and burning sensation when it comes out. Water neutralizes the specific gravity and pH of urine so it’s less acidic.

For more tips and suggestions, visit our page on Natural Herpes Treatments!

Best of luck! It only gets easier from here.



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