So you've been diagnosed with herpes? Try some herpes products!
And if you’re looking for ways to deal with the outbreaks, here's some more solutions so you can go back to living a normal life again.
Each person is different, so you might have to try and experiment with a product or two before you can settle on a protocol that works specifically for you.
Well, there's lots of products that you can use to live a normal life again once you've been diagnosed.
Below is a guide on what you can use to make your life easier...
I’ll share some of my experience and recommendations about them.
Herpes medications are research-proven advanced herpes products to treat your herpes outbreak AND suppress further outbreaks from occurring.
Two such effective and commonly used medication today are Acyclovir and Valtrex.
Research has shown that you should get on medications as soon as possible once diagnosed. And getting on a regular schedule of medications will limit your chances of passing it on to a partner.
This site has useful information on how and why it is important to use Herpes Medications.
Recommended: Use Acyclovir or Valtrex. Get these from your doctor.
Using a Herpes Dating Site can be a great introduction back to the world of dating. On these herpes dating sites, most of the people also have herpes (though they might have another STD also). That way you don't have to have "the talk".
The best thing about dating someone with herpes is that you can't pass it on to them. So sex is a lot less worrisome.
Recommended: I’ve used a lot of these services, and have enjoyed using the most. Lots of good, attractive people on that website. I will get a small commission if you sign up for them. Just being honest.
There’s lots of books that you can order that will give you great information on living with herpes. My general experience is that you won’t find too many in the bookstores. But you can go to and order lots of useful books. It’s well worth reading the reviews before you buy anything on Amazon to see if it is useful for people.
Recommended: My favorite book on living with genital herpes is The Good News about the Bad News by Terri Warren.
This book has helped me a lot especially with the emotional issues.
Getting a diagnosis of herpes is not the end of the world for you. You’ll have to make some changes in your life especially taking care of your body and getting honest with your partner. Ordering or trying some herpes products can help.
If you haven’t been tested yet, that’s your first step: Herpes Testing.
Getting on Herpes Medication will make your life a lot easier. It’s the biggest advice I could give.
Again, the solution to living with herpes is to get tested, educate yourself, forgive yourself and others, get treatment or medication, and then GO ON LIVING AND LOVING!
You can do it.