How Can You Relieve Genital Herpes Itching?

by Vanna
(California )

Well I just found I have genital herpes and the itching I can't stand. But how can I relieve such a pain down there?


Dear Vanna,

The trick to relieving genital herpes itching is to always make sure your genital area is properly cleaned and well ventilated. Wearing of cotton underwear prevents chaffing of the sensitive area. It is also encouraged to wear loose-fitting jeans, skirts, or dresses to avert friction caused by pressing and rubbing of the genital sores to the garments.

Here are some tips I’d like to share with you. All these are home remedies which you can do conveniently and anytime at home.

1) For immediate relief, apply an ice pack for ten minutes with five minute intervals until the itching begins to subside. Ice has a cooling effect that instantly relieves swelling, itching, and pain.

2) Applying a warm black tea compress instantly reducing the discomfort felt with itching. Tea has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate pain.

3) Dissolving oatmeal or baking soda in bath water can provide a soothing soak just before starting your day.

It’s still best to continue medication prescribed by your doctor. The faster you take action, the faster the healing process will be. This means, the blisters or sores dry up quickly, which can lead to an increased reduction of pain and itching.

Although herpes is not fatal, it can be difficult to live with especially when outbreaks occur frequently. So learn what works for you health-wise with the herpes virus. You can live and be happy with it. In fact you will have a better life with it because you will be pushed to take better care of yourself, nurture yourself, and love yourself in spite of it.

Hope this helps!



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