Patience and Honesty has Paid Off

by Brittny

Reading through blogs all you hear are horror stories surrounding herpes, glad to contribute to the brighter side of the storm.

I contracted the genital herpes virus when I was 20 and in college. It was devastating and overwhelming. I was in denial for a while because I had no symptoms and just in a funk. I had even toyed with the idea of accepting being alone forever...

Now I am 26, I have taken charge and become more knowledgeable of this virus. It’s not as bad as they make it seem. I am on the anti-viral Valtrex 500 mg which I take once daily during outbreaks. My outbreaks occur 2 to 3 times a year and are very mild due the anti-viral I'm sure.

I now have a child who does not have the virus and planning on having another in the near future. I have a fiancé who knows and was very supportive from the beginning. And let me add, although I loved and trusted him, having "the talk" with him was still very hard.

Our sex life is GREAT! Let me repeat, our sex life is GREAT! We abstain from sex during outbreaks (I’ll just give him oral), when no symptoms occur we have protected and unprotected sex, he even gives me oral in between outbreaks. And he is still negative for HSV.

The key ladies is paying attention to your body and knowing when the first symptoms of outbreak are occurring. Having HSV is not the end of the world; you still have a long wonderful life to live. So live it!

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Dec 18, 2013
Glad to know
by: Anonymous

I love this! Thanks for your words :) I have been terrified about dating and feel like when I am ready I must ONLY use a herpes dating site as it would be like 'leading someone on' if I used a traditional site. Glad to know others are not feeling limited and aren't limiting their options.

Dec 10, 2013
Best to be honest really
by: Anonymous

It is so true about being honest about your condition. I fell in love with someone who has genital herpes and they told me right away. The funny thing is, it really did not matter. I was in love and nothing was going to stop it! Like the post before me states, knowing your body and when the virus is doing its outbreak thing is critical. We have now been together 5 years. And to make this truth even harder to believe, we met online! Yes, online. And not at a site for people with STD like Positive Singles, but on a more traditional site. So, when the love bug bites, you would be surprised how great life can be even if one of you has the virus.

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