My Husband Has Herpes and Sleeps In The Nude. Should He Cover His Genitals to Prevent Contamination From Shedding?

by J

I am uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed with my husband because he often sleeps in the nude. Is shedding a factor in transmission? Should he cover up?


Dear J,

The thing to know about the herpes virus is that it is transmitted by skin-to-skin contact and not by an exchange of fluids or via aerosols. Cold sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and are the most common form of herpes around the world. An innocent kiss on the cheek or lips by a family member to a child, for instance, can readily transmit the virus. Herpes Simplex Virus 2, on the other hand, primarily infects the area around the genitals and affects 1 in every 6 US adults.

On some people, the virus does not manifest signs of an outbreak. This is the reason why the virus gets passed around; some people may already have it but are unaware of it!

The herpes virus dies quickly outside the body, which means, unless your husband is directly rubbing up against you, it is highly unlikely for you to acquire the virus.

I assume that by “shedding” you mean the phase of “viral shedding”? Yes, this does happen with herpes and even a few times a year at that. The herpes virus travels down the initial infected area but not show any signs or symptoms of an outbreak.

In the end, if you’re still worried, perhaps you could talk to your husband about how you feel.

Hope this helps!



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