Herpes Vagina:
How to Manage and Limit Vaginal Herpes Outbreaks


Herpes Vagina (or Vaginal Herpes) is becoming more and more prevalent nowadays.

About 1 in every 6 adults in the US alone has genital herpes, with females more prone to acquiring the virus than males. This can be quite worrisome. 

So you might be feeling something strange going on around your genital areas.

Or you might have seen suspicious signs in your partner’s body.

You may have also looked at herpes photos trying to figure out if what you've been experiencing might just be herpes in the vagina. 

Vaginal herpes is a form of Genital Herpes caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus. It is a tiny and highly contagious virus. Once you acquire it, you will have the virus for the rest of your life.

The good news is that there is hope!

Vaginal herpes is definitely manageable thanks to the advance treatments of modern medicine.

Read on to learn some tips on how to effectively manage and limit your outbreaks.

What does Herpes Vagina look like?

herpes vagina

(herpes vagina sores may look like a pimple)

Herpes vagina may look like a pimple: a raised, tender sore filled with pus. But the similarity ends there.

Vaginal herpes starts off as a red, itchy patch of skin in a localized area of the genitals.

After a few days the area begins to inflame and produce blisters on the vulva or anus, and can even reach as far as the thighs or buttocks on the female body.

Who gets Herpes Vagina?

Herpes vagina or vaginal herpes is acquired by a female who has had genital, anal, or oral sex with a partner with herpes. It is transmitted through skin to skin contact when the virus is actively shed.

The risk is higher with unprotected sex and even higher with direct exposure to active outbreaks.

Statistics show that women are four times more likely to get infected. This is due to the moist mucus linings of the vagina that provide a good environment for the virus to thrive.

The virus enters the female body through microscopic cuts and lodges at the base of the spine. After a few weeks, it will then start to travel to the primary site of infection and cause outbreaks.

The severity and duration of these vaginal herpes outbreaks depends on each person. Some women have very painful and frequent outbreaks, while some women never get to experience one at all.

What are the symptoms?

The appearance of herpes hagina on a female can be difficult to distinguish. Most women dismiss these symptoms as vaginal yeast or boils. But the difference is that these lesions are particularly painful and do not go away with yeast medication or warm compress.

Initially, you get a warning signal or “prodrome” period where you experience tingling sensations.

After a few days, lesions start to appear and you may get a high spike of fever at this time. You might also experience other symptoms of herpes vagina that include muscle aches, headaches, and fatigue.

The first outbreak is usually the worst and may last up to 10-12 days. Depending on your lifestyle or body’s immune system, vaginal herpes can produce either frequent or infrequent recurrent outbreaks.

These may occur monthly or several years apart. The intake of antiviral medication can significantly speed up the healing process as well as suppress the virus from coming out.

What should I do if I have an outbreak?

It is important to get tested if you see suspicious signs in your private area. Also abstain from sex until the results come back.

If you’re worried about whether you have a case of herpes vagina, then it is vital that you schedule an appointment to see your healthcare specialist.

After all, they are the experts in the field and can prescribe you with the appropriate medication for your medical history and body weight. Another option is to enlist the online services of a confidential herpes test provider such as STDcheck.com.

They have affordable testing that takes only a few minutes. Results are available within 1-2 days after your visit to their testing center. 

Its 100% confidential too, not even your doctor or insurance company will have to know. Although you still need to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis, this is another option to get answers fast.

How do I manage and limit my outbreaks?

Vaginal herpes sores can get very painful and annoying. You can’t go about your day like you normally would due to the constant uncomfortable feeling.

Fortunately, there are lots of great ways you can do to decrease the severity of these outbreaks:

  • Start by wearing cotton undergarments and avoid tight fitting pants or shorts for the duration of the outbreak. You want to lessen the friction that happens when your clothes rub with those lesions.
  • Second, consider taking a warm bath with some Epsom salt in the tub every morning. Starting your day with this comforting ritual can soothe your spirit and lessen the pain of vaginal herpes sores.
  • When your herpes sores are particularly inflamed, you might find the cool sensation of an ice pack wrapped in linen or an Aloe vera gel, a warm welcome. Place these directly on your sores and get temporary relief.

As an alternative route, there are also natural herpes treatments which you can do at home. Many people have had great success with these herpes home remedies. They claim to be outbreak-free for years after starting with their regimen.

Well, it's not for everyone. But it is worth giving a try to find the best treatment that is suitable for you.

As always, do not forget to take your antiviral medication. Consider doubling them up especially when sexually active with a non-positive partner.

The faster you take action, the sooner your herpes vagina sores will heal.

So just hang in there. Take a deep breath and relax. Most importantly, be good to yourself.

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